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Early Psychosis Care Center Newsletter

Peer Supports and Psychosis

Missouri’s Department of Mental Health (DMH) has endorsed the NAVIGATE Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) model as the best practice for supporting individuals experiencing first episode psychosis. The NAVIGATE model treatment team is comprised of Director/Family Education (FE) Clinician, Prescriber, Supported Employment and Education Specialist (SEE), and Individual Resilience Training Clinician (IRT). Many NAVIGATE teams include a Peer Support Specialist (PSS) and Case Manager.
An important role that is critical to treatment teams across Missouri is a Peer Support Specialist (PPS). When a Peer Support Specialist is part of the team, it is extremely helpful for them to connect with clients early on in treatment. Clients appreciate the opportunity to talk to someone who has experienced similar mental health challenges, since they are often feeling alone in their experiences. Often, the Peer works alongside a group of clinicians allowing for a collaborative process to take place. 
Peers are essential as they facilitate program engagement by developing strong connections with clients and families, undertaking outreach activities designed to promote community awareness, and encouraging help seeking. The Peer understands, shares, and discusses multiple frameworks for understanding life experiences (e.g., first episode psychosis) with clients and the rest of the treatment team. Further, they advocate for clients, promoting a youth friendly approach and encouraging the use of recovery-oriented language— ultimately supporting clients in strengthening their self-awareness, building life skills, and actively work towards recovery and resilience through challenge and crisis.
JJ Gossrau Photo

Team Member Spotlight

JJ Gossrau is the Director of Young Adult Services at the Department of Mental Health and the Director of the Early Psychosis Care Center. Her responsibilities include supervision of the development of the Early Psychosis Care Center and liaising with key stakeholders including state government offices, private and nonprofit community service agencies, universities, and community behavioral health provider agencies. She is passionate about transforming psychosis care for young people and ensuring timely access to effective early intervention services.
Myths & Facts About Psyhosis
Holidays and Observances

Join our Youth Advisory Council!

We are looking for youth & young adults ages 15-35 with personal lived experience with psychosis. Influence change, empower others, and build connections!
The EPC Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is working to reduce stigma about psychosis by sharing resources, raising awareness, and providing fact-based education in order to improve young people’s access to care.

Virtual meetings are held on the second Monday of every month from 6-7pm CST

Upcoming Trainings

Assessment 101 | Part A

Assessment 101 Part A is a free 1-hour training. CEUs are available. This training will focus first episode psychosis (FEP) intake questions. Attendees will learn how to feel comfortable asking questions about psychosis and speaking to individuals who are reporting signs and
symptoms of first episode psychosis.
Register Here: https://cvent.me/x1nmPm

Assessment 101 | Part B

Assessment 101 Part B is a free one-hour training. CEUs are available. Building upon Assessment 101 Part A, attendees will learn about differentiating between clinical high-risk and psychosis symptoms. Individuals will be oriented to the use of screening, self-reporting, and structured and semi-structured clinical interviews to assist in diagnosis, treatment planning, and ongoing assessment of psychosis symptoms.
Register Here: https://cvent.me/15oM3w

Psychosis 101

Psychosis 101 is a 1.5 hours virtual training that will include a screener and discussion of the screening process. Assist providers in learning how to talk to clients and families about possible psychosis symptoms as well as understand the importance of early intervention and treatment. Provide a brief overview of diagnostic criteria, describe the threshold for attenuated versus full psychosis, and discuss role of culture and trauma, the importance of good therapeutic rapport, and emphasize educating referral sources. Virtual format, recorded, and made available online.

Register Here: https://cvent.me/g494ln

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