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Early Psychosis Care Center Newsletter

What is EPC?

Missouri’s Early Psychosis Care (EPC) Center is a partnership between the Missouri Department of Mental Health, the Missouri Institute of Mental Health, and the Missouri Behavioral Health Council. Our goal is to highlight the importance of early identification and intervention for first episode psychosis (FEP).  
The EPC Center is working with behavioral health centers across the state to improve the quality of care for individuals experiencing FEP. We use education and outreach to raise awareness. In these efforts, we share new research, best practices, trends, and strategies.

Word of the Year

From 2022 to 2023, Dictionary.com noticed a 46% increase in searches for the word hallucinate, naming hallucinate the 2023 Word of the Year!

Hallucinate [huh-loo-suh-neyt]
1. To see or hear things that do not exist outside the mind; have hallucinations
2. Computers, Digital Technology. (of a machine learning program) to produce false information contrary to the intent of the user and present it as if true and factual.

JJ Gossrau Photo


Team Member Spotlight

JJ Gossrau is the Director of Young Adult Services at the Department of Mental Health and the Director of the Early Psychosis Care Center. Her responsibilities include supervision of the development of the Early Psychosis Care Center and collaborating with key stakeholders including state government offices, private and nonprofit community service agencies, universities, and community behavioral health provider agencies. She is passionate about transforming psychosis care for young people and ensuring timely access to effective early intervention services.

Quarterly Research Corner

This article reviews the most recent findings about schizophrenia to create as complete a picture as possible of the condition. Construct, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical expression, and treatment are all examined. This information is useful in developing a comprehensive background of knowledge to implement while treating individuals who experience or are at risk of developing schizophrenia and/or schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
The Words You Use Matter banner

Upcoming Trainings

Psychosis 101 – May 14th, 2024

Psychosis 101 is a free virtual training held multiple times a year by the Missouri EPC Center. CEUs are available. Topics include the importance of early intervention and treatment, symptoms, diagnosis, communication with families, the roles of culture and trauma, and education of referral sources.

Psychosis 101 – May 14th, 2024

Psychosis 101 is a free virtual training held multiple times a year by the Missouri EPC Center. CEUs are available. Topics include the importance of early intervention and treatment, symptoms, diagnosis, communication with families, the roles of culture and trauma, and education of referral sources.

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